GSurf Pro v2
Grandstream’s GSurf Pro V2 is free video management software (VMS). With this business can leverage PC-based video recording, indexing, searching and video storage management for up to 72 Grandstream cameras for remote viewing, controlling and recording from anywhere on the Internet.
GSurf Pro V2 is free Video Management Software (VMS). It is PC-based video recording, indexing, searching and video storage management for up to 72 Grandstream cameras and encoder/decoders. It is the only one-stop shop for controlling/managing devices, video recording, ad alarming undesirable security events. You can monitor, search and record up to 72 cameras simultaneously.
Also, one can manage videos locally or remotely by the controlled server with Client/Server architecture. Moreover, GSUrf Pro V2 solution when combined with all the Grandstream IP surveillance products and 3rd party sensors.
- Client/Server architecture with e-Map support
- Transmit Server allows multi-point viewing same live video
- File Sharing Server allows video downloaded and replayed remotely
- Automatic patrol to pre-set positions
- Multi-language support (English, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese)
- Multi-screen display support with manual switch or automatic patrol viewing
- Configurable dual streams for local and remote display to save bandwidth
- Scheduled or Alarm triggered primary stream recording for different cameras
- Easy maintenance with import/export configure, user and log management
- Batch configure of Alarm DO/DI

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